Homeless & homefull

Alley of Light: Exhibit 5

Spring 2020 featured details from an interactive Legacy Art Project commissioned through The Works, by Homeward Trust Edmonton (HTE). The Legacy Art Project, created by Indigenous senior artist, Will Truchon, was presented in Edmonton, Nov. 4-6, 2019, at the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Conference 2019 (CAEH19). 

About the Exhibit

“Local lived experience voices” were gathered through Homeward Trust Edmonton’s outreach and story-collecting, as inspiration for the artwork.  Over three days, thousands of brushstrokes, depicting the local lived experience stories, were painted by Métis lead artist, William Truchon, intern Gabriela Rosende, and by 531 conference attendees.

About the Images

9 painting details, from the two panels entitled Homeless and Home-full, show “the homeless trying to cope, seeking and receiving assistance for essential human basics and integrating into the city.”

Project Partners: The City of Edmonton; Winter City Edmonton; The Works International Visual Arts Society; The Art & Design in Public Places Program; Skyline Signs; Artifacts (David & Jeong-Ae Lalonde)
