Education at The Works

 Works to Work Testimonials

I feel so fortunate to have done this internship, as it helped me mentally reintegrate with the sense of community. This internship helped me to gain knowledge and experience in the visual arts/design, especially as someone who came from a different background. It’s exactly what I needed to do to help me be more confident and learn the skills to continue doing work int the arts community. 

— Yvonne Boon, Production Assistant 2022 (Grant MacEwan University, Music Diploma in Piano Performance; Music Diploma in Composition) 

For those early on in their arts careers, The Works offers the opportunity to grow and make connections with your fellow peers in the program and in the local Edmonton arts community. There are many parts that go into putting together a free, large, outdoor public art festival. The Works to Work Internship has provided a supportive environment to explore and apply skills in a variety of roles in the different streams that make up a large-scale event. 

— Terri LeGear, Marketing Assistant 2021, Volunteer Coordinator 2022 (Emily Carr, BFA Fine Art; Grant MacEwan University, Arts & Cultural Management Diploma) 

Being a part of production for The Works the past two summers during a pivotal point in my life and artistic career post-graduation has provided me the opportunity to develop many valuable qualities such as a strong work ethic and discipline. Alongside the encouragement and support of my life outside of The Works that I get from my Works to Work peers, the internship has also improved my practice of working collaboratively with others as well as giving insight into the field which provides networking and professional development opportunities.

— Kev Liang, Production Assistant 2021 and 2022 (University of Alberta, BFA Art & Design) 

This internship gave me the opportunity to gain experience in the field that I hope to one day make my career: curatorial work. Not only did I learn a variety of skills and acquire a lot of new knowledge regarding working with art—how to safely transport it and how to fix any damage done to it—I learned how to communicate with artists in a way that was not only professional, but with sympathy, empathy, and kindness as life got in the way of the artists’ work at times. The internship went beyond the obvious and specific things that one would expect to learn as a Curatorial Assistant, as communicated with each department and working together to make the festival happen allowed me to learn skills relating to production, marketing, and volunteering.

— Katia Youssef, Curatorial Assistant 2022 (University of Alberta, BA Double Major: Modern Language & Cultural Studies (MLCS), History of Art & Visual Culture (HADVC)) 

"The Works to Work internship taught me more than I have ever learned in one summer. The hands-on work was challenging and interesting while the classroom sessions complemented this perfectly. As I learned about art exhibition and production tools and processes, artists, and my coworkers, I also learned a lot about myself. Working for the festival allowed me to meet many wonderful people and connect with the art community. I would recommend The Works to Work internship to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the arts."

-- Alison Prsa, Production Stream, Festival 2013 (University of Alberta: 1st year BFA)


"The Works has given me a strong understanding of art installation and administration. I feel confident that from here I will be able to go out into the art community and use these skills in my art practice, as well as in future employment. The works is a huge commitment, with a steep learning curve, but it’s also so much fun. I got to work very closely with a team of amazing people, meet local and national artists, and work with, think about and talk about art all summer long."

-- Vanessa Mastronardi, Curatorial Stream, Festivals 2013 and 2014 (University of Alberta: BFA)


“Works to Work is a one of a kind program that necessitates a hands-on approach to exhibit production. Through this program I have gained invaluable skills in building, installing, networking, teaching, problem solving, and much, much more. The program is fast paced and practical. It allowed me the opportunity to try things I have never done before while also recognizing my personal strengths and experience. This flexible format allowed me to gain more experience in the areas where I was most interested.”

-- Betty Jo McCarville, Production Stream, Festivals 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 (Concordia University, Montreal: BFA, and St.Thomas University: Bed)


“The Works Art & Design Festival was a wonderful practicum placement.  The Works encouraged individual creativity while allowing for collaboration.  I am not an artist, but working at The Works allowed me to develop my creativity in other ways.  Through event planning, volunteer recruitment and marketing, I was able to get valuable work experience as well as learn about the different forms creativity can take.”

-- Heather Nielsen, Special Events and Marketing Stream, Festival 2010 (Grant MacEwan University: Public Relations Program)


“The Works Art & Design Festival continues to provide me with the opportunity to stay involved and give back to the Edmonton arts community. The challenges are equal to the rewards with the memorable experiences helping to shape my understanding of a working artist practice. Being a part of the team that helps organize the festival is full of continual surprises and laughs.”

-- Eric Burton, Production Stream, Festivals 2004, 2005. 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 (Red Deer College and the University of Alberta: BFA)


“Being part of the Works to Work program and playing a leadership role in the Festival has affected my life in profound ways.  The learning experience, professional development and the family that forms around Festival is incomparable.  Staff, volunteers and Festival goers have changed my outlook on community, involvement and the importance of the arts.  The Works has helped sculpt me into the person I am today both personally and professionally.”

-- Shannon Bowler, Volunteer Stream, Festivals 2009, 2010 and 2011 (Grant MacEwan University: Arts and Cultural Administration Program) 


“After my time at The Works I have gained confidences and skills that will relay directly to my artistic career.  I also have gained immense pride for my community and the creative people who work here.  I would not be the person I am today without this incredible experience.”

-- Cara Seccafien, Curatorial Stream, Festival 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (University of Alberta: BFA) 


“The Works to Work Education Program was an extremely valuable experience.  Through the program I gained skills and knowledge which will transfer well to both my academic studies and my personal aspirations.  Working for the Festival granted me an incredible opportunity to work with many talented and hardworking individuals which helped me grow professionally and personally.”

-- Breanna Cheek, Production Stream, Festival 2011 (Emily Carr University of Art and Design: 2nd year Animation Program)

"My experience as a design intern for The Places has been most valuable, as I was able to design in a real world situation.  Being able to design outside of the classroom has enabled me to gain insight into the design world and the daily demands that are required of a designer.  The experience has been positive and has given me a great understanding what it is to be a designer."

-- Juliana Laface, The Places Design Intern 2011 (University of Alberta: 3rd year Bachelor of Design)

“I have found the Works to Work Internship Program to be valuable for the development of my professional life as an artist and arts administrator. The work is intense, but is extremely fulfilling as I get to see thousands of people, who don't normally step into a gallery, interact with art.”  

-- Grace Law, Curatorial Stream, Festivals 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 (University of Alberta: BFA and Grant MacEwan University: Arts & Cultural Management Program)


“Through my experiences with the Works to Work program I have gained a greater understanding of the setup and dismantle of a large scale international art and design festival. The hands on environment and fast pace of the festival applies all of the theoretical classroom work and problem solving skills into actual situations. In addition to all of the learning, I have met and become great friends with the many people I have worked with through the festival.”

-- Robert Harpin, Production Stream, Festivals 2008, 2009, 2010 (Grant MacEwan University and the Alberta College of Art & Design: BFA)


“Being a part of the Works to Work program was an incredible opportunity to prepare for graduate studies. It was a unique experience in which to do physically and creatively challenging work with an amazing group of people. There was great emphasis on professional development and personal initiative, in addition to the practical skills I learned as a part of the production team.”

-- Mandy Espezel, Production Stream, Festival 2009 (University of Alberta: BFA and the University of Lethbridge: MFA)

“My summers in The Works to Works program were full of laughter, friendships, and learning. We got to learn a diverse variety of skills and were able to put our new skill set into immediate action. It was an incredible hands-on experience and a unique opportunity to be exposed to an arts community and build life long friendships.”

-- Gina Shields, Production Stream, Festivals 2004, 2008, 2009 (Red Deer College and Nova Scotia School of Art & Design: BFA)